Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Dear Fans (i.e. Mom and Dad), I know I haven’t updated this blog in the recent months. Well it’s been one heck of a whirlwind. I finished my first semester of PR at Humber College, they weren’t kidding when they said it was more like bootcamp than school.  To sum it up, it was a continuous […]

I had a fantastic weekend, tiring, but fantastic. Saturday night I went to Dundas Square for Earth Hour. The square was packed with street performers, families and people mildly curious about the commotion.  On stage was Dina Pugliese from Breakfast Television and co-host Frank.  David Miller was also there, I interviewed the mayor on Friday (I’ll […]

I have been thinking a lot lately about the industry I am about to embark on.  I envisioned this world of spending accounts and cocktail parties, a world of Samantha Jones’ and attractive people.  This is an illusion created by media and T.V. PR is so much more. I have had the good fortune in […]

I learned something new the other day. IRL means:  in real life (checked it out on urban dictionary).  Also, that despite the anonymity of the internet the idea of IRL is so important for building lasting and beneficial relationships. Thursday night I went to hear the Toronto Blog Stars speak about how they became successful […]

I will be 24 years old this year, sometimes I feel like I am old. My friends are getting married, having babies and starting careers.  BUT most of the time I feel young and I want to make as many memories as I can before “I grow up”. School has been the majority of my […]

I have to admit, I didn’t make it through the entire Oscars last night. After watching two hours of red carpet pageantry I was pretty disappointed in the lacklustre award show. Albeit, Neil Patrick Harris is the bomb, the awards seemed to drone on and I fell asleep after 30 minutes. The Academy Awards, needs […]

I am so proud to be surrounded by such successful and inspiring individuals. My classmates from Humber College PR organized an amazing fundraiser last night for Real Sight Keepers, an organization that raises money to help cure blindness in Tibet. I was informed recently that Tibet has the highest rate of blindness in the world […]

This is for a social media class I am taking, it’s my commitments and goals for this blog.

This is me…


I want to welcome everyone to my blog. I am a small town girl, that recently moved to Toronto to pursue my dream of having a highly successful and rewarding career in PR. I want to become involved in as many things as I can and take advantage of this beautiful city. Follow me over […]